About the Author
AbouT the Author
Michael Wayne Rogers
His Country Name
Michael Wayne Rogers, LPN grew up in Fairmont, WV. He was born in 1970 and lived with his siblings and his parents. He graduated from East Fairmont High School where he was part of the band and show choir during those years. He started a career as a fitness instructor at the age of 18 and stayed focused on aerobics and fitness for most of his career. He moved from WV at the age of 19 and tried several cities before settling in Louisville, KY where he decided to live for 3 years. While in Louisville, he tried his hand at waiting tables and found out that he wasn’t that bad. In fact, he ended up being one of the main servers at Baja Bay Mexican Restaurant on Bardstown Road in Louisville. That is where he met a group of people who instantly became close friends and who felt like family.
He ended up making plans to move with two of these friends to the United States Virgin Islands. That is where the stories begin.
In 2003 after ten years of island life, Mike has moved back to West Virginia to start a new career as a child care worker for Genesis Youth Crisis Center, Inc. In Clarksburg, WV. He decided to go back to school for nursing in 2008, and in 2010 he graduated as a licensed practical nurse (LPN). He still works for the shelter, only now he is one of the nurses. After 21 years Mike of employment, 11 of them as a nurse, Mike was accepted to Fairmont State University to obtain his registered nursing degree and is currently working on his second book.
A big thank you goes out to his partner Gary Groghan who helped make this book into a reality by believing in him and letting him know that anything is possible if you want it bad enough.